Friday 3 December 2010

Wikileaks Update

Further to the previous post, it seems that Wikileaks is nowhere to be found. Sources suggest pressure has been put upon the current host, U.S.-based, to evict, or at least suspend, the controversial website from it's quarters, resulting in it's disappearance from the net. has claimed that hacking attempts (Government sponsored? see previous post) aimed at Wikileaks have been disrupting service to it's other customers, but as usual this seems rather too neat and tidy for Dreadnought's liking. They have provided a statement:
" provided domain name system (DNS) services to the domain name until 10PM EST, December 2, 2010, when such services were terminated. As with other users of the network, this service was provided for free. The termination of services was effected pursuant to, and in accordance with, the Acceptable Use Policy...
...Thus, last night, at approximately 10PM EST, December 1, 2010 a 24 hour termination notification email was sent to the email address associated with the account. In addition to this email, notices were sent to Wikileaks via Twitter and the chat function available through the website. Any downtime of the website has resulted from its failure to use another hosted DNS service provider."

Will we see the exposure of the hacking source in the near future? After all, government employees are notoriously gossipy, and much given to spilling the beans to the press at every opportunity.


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