Tuesday 7 December 2010

Blog Review - Crooks and Liars

I recently came across crooksandliars.com (C&L), a blog covering stories about, you guessed it crooks and liars in the American Establishment. The site content is open to all, but has a membership option for people to publish their own posts; membership is also required to add comments to posts. Having browsed fairly extensively, I would say that the posts come from a combination of straightforward people from blue-collar backgrounds/proponents of small government:

... and people who lean just a little (only a little) to the left:

The comments on the posts tend to be a little less restrained than the articles, but most are nevertheless considered and to the point. The posts themselves, although almost exclusively US-centric, are really quite enlightening, with the right mix of fact and opinion. At the top of the site are tabs linking the reader to topic-specific areas, such as 'Blue America' ("actions dedicated to specific endeavors, like defeating Blue Dogs") and 'Third Branch', containing posts related to the goings-on in, for example, the Supreme Court.

Overall, this blog is well worth a look - a few of the articles are truly eye-opening, and many of the rest will hold the interest of people even in the UK and Europe.

Dreadnought Rating: 7 out of 10

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