Tuesday 8 March 2011

Control the Food - Control the People

Some of the current bills in Congress could be some of the most dangerous legislation in the history of America. The upcoming lame-duck session will likely be a last ditch effort to jam some of these bills through in order to further advance a progressive agenda. Three of the most dangerous bills in Congress are Senate Bill S.510 the Food Safety Modernization Act, Senate Bill SB 787 the Clean Water Restoration Act, and HR 5101 the Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act of 2010. These bills, if passed, could put the United State government in control of the entire food and water supply in America.

Senate Bill S.510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, could make it illegal to grow, share, trade, or sell home-grown food. World renowned microbiologist, human rights activist, and Canada Health whistle blower, Dr. Shiv Chopra said of the bill, “If accepted [S.510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.”

Steve Miller of Clarkston, Georgia is currently in the process of being fined $5,000 for "growing too many vegetables". In January of this year, DeKalb County Code Enforcement officers cited Miller for growing too many vegetables and having unpermitted workers on his property. If bill S.510 passes, this will become the norm instead of the exception.

The basis of SB 787, the Clean Water Restoration Act, is to expand the authority of the Corps of Engineers to control the land that is “adjacent to, near, is affected by, or affects” any body of water in the United States. The definition of “waters” in the bill will include even “dry desert potholes” and any location that has water, or might have water even for a temporary period of time. This has the potential to be one of the most destructive bills in the history of Congress regarding property rights. Under the authority of this bill, the Corps of Engineers could require a permit even to mow residential lawns! Advocates of the bill claim that statements like this are ridiculous because the “agency would never attempt such local control.” Does anyone believe that once a government agency has been granted “expanded authority” that they will choose not to exercise that authority?

HR 5101, the Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act of 2010, creates a program to accumulate data pertaining to wildlife migratory patterns in order to establish “corridors” that would minimize human activity within these corridors. This means no hunting, no fishing, no camping, or any other activity within these corridors. Is this in the interest of “wildlife conservation”, or is something else going on here?

The combination of these three bills in Congress would grant government bureaucrats control of the farming industry, the United States water supply, and even the food that could be obtained through hunting and fishing. Viewed separately, these bills may be spun as “in the interest of public safety”, “in the interest of environmental concern”, and “in the interest of wildlife preservation”, but when viewed collectively, this is an obvious attempt by the government to control the people. If the government is allowed to have total control of the food and water supply, they would by default have total control of the citizens of the United States. Control the food, control the people. This control, without a doubt, tramples on certain “unalienable rights” endowed to us by our CREATOR, among them Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. If you don’t have food, you don’t have life. If you have to rely on the government for food, you don’t have liberty. I don’t know for sure “yet”, so I can only assume that it would be rather difficult to pursue happiness while standing in government bread lines. America, are you listening?

Article Author:
Michael Kinzie

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