Monday 24 January 2011

Think our problems are new problems?

"The budget should be balanced; the treasury should be refilled; public debt should be reduced; and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled."

- Cicero. 106-43 B.C.

------------- 1900 years later and we're still ignoring this sage advice.

"The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools." -- 'State Tamperings with Money Banks' -- Herbert Spencer (1820-1903).

Well, I think it would be more accurate to say that the fools are crowding the halls of power, lending themselves as the instruments of a rather shadowy and influential, loosely linked group of people and corporations, none of whom have our best interests at heart. They are, of course, concerned solely with their own enrichment, and should not be permitted to manipulate populations through influence with our elected officials.

Please do not misunderstand me - I am not interested in communism or extremes of socialism, systems which have themselves been proven to be as open to corruption as any other. Rather, I would urge people to be a little more interested in what is happening around them, and ensure that, over time, some discipline is forced upon our political leaders. We do not have to put up with the depradation and level of exploitation to which we are, very quietly, subjected by the great and the 'good', and the fair and decent people of the reasonable right should be heard.

The nations of the west belong to their citizens, and we have the right, indeed the obligation, to prevent them from being gradually dismantled by people who show loyalty only to themselves. If you are in agreement with these sentiments, please let me know at

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